Сеть отелей Melia Hotels International

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Сеть отелей Melia Hotels International

Контактные данные


Офис в Испании

(34) 971 22 44 00
Gremi Boters, 24 Polígono Industrial Son Castelló 07009 Palma de Mallorca Spain

Туристическиe направления

Испания, Азия, Карибы и Латинская Америка, Европа, Африка, Страны Карибского бассейна, Страны Латинской Америки

О компании

Meliá Hotels International was founded in 1956 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, and is one of the world’s largest resort hotel chains, as well as Spain’s leading hotel chain. It currently provides more than 370 hotels in 43 countries on 4 continents under its brands: Gran Meliá Hotels & Resorts, Paradisus Resorts, ME by Meliá, Meliá Hotels & Resorts, Innside by Meliá, Sol Hotels & Resorts and TRYP by Wyndham. Its product and service portfolio is complemented by Meliá Club, the only vacation club operated by a Spanish company.

Throughout its history, the Company has been involved in a number of merger and acquisition operations with other hotel companies, allowing the company to grow at a startling rate. This evolution and the strategic focus on international growth has allowed Meliá Hotels International to be the first Spanish hotel company with presence in key markets such as China, the Middle East, or the US, as well as maintaining its leadership in traditional markets such as Europe, Latin America or the Caribbean.

In 1996, it was the first Spanish hotel company to be floated on the stock exchange, with the resulting requirement of transparency, regulatory control, and corporate social responsibility. Since then, the company’s focus on maintaining a stable financial position has seen an increase in loyalty among its shareholders and investors.

The company is also a point of reference in the Spanish tourist sector when it comes to Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. Its Global Sustainability Policy formally sets out its commitment to the environment, cultural and social integration and sustainable, responsible growth. Meliá Hotels International is one of the first 100 companies included in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) index, the only “Biosphere Hotel Company” supported by UNESCO, as well as the only company in the sector to be included in the Spanish Stock Exchange index of responsible companies, the FTSE4Good, and to have signed the United Nations' Global Compact. It also maintains a strategic alliance with UNICEF for the protection of children, which has become its priority in the social arena, and with other organizations and platforms in defense of integration and employability of young people.
